What is a PAD?
Psychiatric Advance Directives (PAD) gives us the opportunity to self direct our care even during a crisis. It enhances provider treatment because providers know exactly what we want.

A psychiatric advance directive (PAD) is a legal form that allows people to refuse or give consent to future psychiatric treatment.
Your PAD helps your doctors and family members understand your wishes about medical and behavioral health care. It can help them to follow psychiatric care you have determined for yourself.
The Colorado Advanced Directive Bill is Unique
- The Psychiatric Advance Directive becomes effective upon signature.
- Intended to be honored in all situations, not just crisis.
- No medical professional declaration of competence needed for PAD to be in effect.
- Person cannot orally revoke the PAD; must be in writing with signatures of two disinterested witnesses
- Does not require a notary
* Click here to learn more about how this Bill was passed
What are the Goals of a Psychiatric Advanced Directive (PAD)?
1. To ensure persons are treated according to their wishes, even when they can not speak for themselves.
2. Even when the person is unable to communicate coherently, provides a mechanism for: • exchange of clinical information; and • consent or refusal of treatment.
3. May appoint a proxy decision maker (Health Care Agent) for when a person is unable to.
You Have a Right to Personal Autonomy
No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded by the common law, then the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law.” - Minnesota Supreme Court,1976
Right to Privacy
Right to Bodily Integrity
Right to Self-determination
Right to Informed Consent
PAD is Anchored in this Constitutional Right